Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about services at RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals

Where can I find RS Pondok Indah Group doctor's schedule?

You can find RS Pondok Indah Group doctor’s schedules here. You can also view our doctor’s schedule by downloading RSPI mobile app.

Will RS Pondok Indah accept my insurance?

RS Pondok Indah Group has collaborated with various trusted insurance companies, both domestic and overseas. Click here to view our insurance partners.

What are the visiting hours at RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals?

Visiting hours may vary for some wards. In order to maintain the safety and comfort of all our patients, visits can only be made during certain hours and are conducted on a rotating basis.


Visiting Hours

General & Newborn Wards

Morning: 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM

Evening: 6.00 PM - 8.00 PM



Morning: 11.00 AM - 12.00 PM  

Evening: 6.00 PM - 8.00 PM

Only 1 visitor is allowed at any one time. Children are not allowed in these units


NICU & Intermediate Care

Morning: 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM

Evening: 6.00 PM - 8.00 PM

Only parents are allowed to visit. A maximum of 2 people per patient are allowed to visit at any one time.

How do I book an appointment for Executive Health Check-Up?

Our Executive Health Check Up (EHCU) Services are available at all RSPI Group Hospitals. We provide a variety of medical checkup options that are specific to your needs, including paediatric check-ups. Please consult with our team to find out which package suits your needs.


For more information or to make an appointment, please contact:


Executive Health Check Up RS Pondok Indah - Pondok Indah

Information & Appointment:

(62-21) 7507169, 765 7525 Ext. 2267/2318




[EHCU Package - RSPI Pondok Indah]


Executive Health Check Up RS Pondok Indah - Puri Indah

Information & Appointment:

(62-21) 2569 5252, 2569 5200 Ext. 2100




[EHCU Package - RSPI Puri Indah]


Executive Health Check Up RS Pondok Indah - Bintaro Jaya

Information & Appointment:

(62-21) 8082 8888 Ext. 2301/2302




[EHCU Package - RSPI Bintaro Jaya]

Do RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals provide travel vaccination service?

RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals provide travel vaccination service and also issued international vaccination certificates or "Yellow Book".


For more information, please contact:

Executive Health Check Up RS Pondok Indah - Pondok Indah

Information & Appointment:

(62-21) 7507169, 765 7525 Ext. 2267/2318





Executive Health Check Up RS Pondok Indah - Puri Indah

Information & Appointment:

(62-21) 2569 5252, 2569 5200 Ext. 2100





Executive Health Check Up RS Pondok Indah - Bintaro Jaya

Information & Appointment:

(62-21) 8082 8888 Ext. 2301/2302




Do Group Hospitals provide Telemedicine services?

RS Pondok Indah Group provides telemedicine service. Now, you can consult with our doctors via video call more conveniently. This service uses the Zoom application on your device, so you can consult with our doctor from the comfort of your home.


RS Pondok Indah Group Telemedicine Mechanism

  1. Make sure you are already a patient of RS Pondok Indah Group and have a medical record number

  2. Contact the Call Centre of your intended RS Pondok Indah to register and/or check our doctors Telemedicine session schedule. services

  3. Click on the link, which we will send via WhatsApp, to start the consultation session at the scheduled time.

  4. Complete the administrative steps that we send to your email

  5. Our Telemedicine service only accepts self-paid via bank transfer. Currently, we are unable to accept insurance or credit/debit card payments.

  6. If the doctor prescribes medication or requests a blood test, you can request for the medication to be sent to your home (for certain areas) and have the blood drawn at your home at a specified time. Please make sure you have completed the administrative process in order to receive this service.

Do RS Pondok Indah Group provide any particular maternity service?

Awaiting the birth of your baby is a special and precious life journey for you and your partner. Understanding this, RS Pondok Indah Group presents Maternity First, which is a complete and integrated pregnancy service, to create the best experience of welcoming the baby since pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, including:


  • Medical professionals, including obstetricians and gynaecologists, obstetricians and gynaecologists with fetomaternal subspecialty, paediatricians, and lactation counsellors.

  • Maternity Counsellor who can be contacted through 24-hours WhatsApp to help answer mum's questions during pregnancy

  • The latest medical facilities and technology, such as 4D ultrasound

  • Five-stars facilities in treatment rooms, delivery rooms, operating theaters, baby rooms including NICU facilities

  • 100% support for IMD (Early Breastfeeding Initiation) and exclusive breastfeeding

  • Maternity Classes including pregnancy exercise classes, prenatal Yoga, and parenting classes


For more information, please contact:

RS Pondok Indah - Pondok Indah

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic 3rd Floor

(021) 765 7525 Ext. 2

Maternity Counsellor (WhatsApp chat only): 081388887273


Pondok Indah Hospital - Puri Indah

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic 7th Floor

(021) 2569 5200 Ext. 2

Maternity Counsellor (WhatsApp chat only): 081388889096


RS Pondok Indah - Bintaro Jaya

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic 6th Floor

(021) 8082 8888 Ext. 2/6012

Maternity Counsellor (WhatsApp chat only): 081295998870

Do RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals provide home visit service?

RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals provide Home Visit service covering certain areas. Some of the services provided are as follows:

  • Examination and consultation by general practitioner, internal medicine specialist, nutrition specialist.

  • NGT tube insertion/replacement

  • Urine catheter insertion/replacement

  • Stoma care

  • Wound care

  • Laboratory sampling

  • Bathing newborn

  • Vaccination

  • Other services


Home Visit mechanism of Pondok Indah Hospital Group

  1. The Home Visit service applies to patients who are located around the RS Pondok Indah Group Hospitals location, within 10 km radius.

  2. Patient is already registered as a previous patient of RS Pondok Indah Hospital Group, proven by medical record number.

  3. Send a WhatsApp message to inquire our Home Visit Service at least 1 day before your intended date during working hours (08.00 AM - 05.00 PM) to:

  1. Pondok Indah Hospital - Pondok Indah +62 821-1999-0881 

  2. Pondok Indah Hospital - Puri Indah +62 821-1999-0882

  3. Pondok Indah Hospital - Bintaro Jaya +62 821-1999-0883

  1. Our Home Visit team will contact you to assess the services or procedures required in order to prepare accordingly.

  2. Our Home Visit Team will confirm their arrival time to the patient's home 1 day before the scheduled date.

  3. Our Home Visit Team will record the assessment, procedures, equipment and drugs used in your home and relay the information to the relevant operational units.

  4. Afterwards, our Cashier will send an invoice via WhatsApp according to the billing and send the Pondok Indah Hospital account number so that you can make payments via bank transfer.

  5. Our Telemedicine service only accepts self-paid via bank transfer. Currently, we are unable to accept insurance or credit/debit card payments.